NOFAR GABRIELI is a citizen of Israel with an impressive curriculum of studies not only in fashion design, but also in the performing arts. Nofar has finalized her studies as a fashion designer taking the final year course of "Créateur" at the Atelier Chardon Savard, in Paris (France). She specialized in knitwear and chose to show her skills on a menswear collection for her graduating collection . "Coloured Men", is its title embodying both the bright colours of yarn she has been using to create her knitted motifs, but also her scope to target many men throughout the world, from various ethnic backgrounds. Morris, from England, Philip from America, Viet from Vietnam, Markus from Poland and Ian from Singapore have brilliantly shown on the runway at Fidé Fashion Weeks, in Singapore, in October 2013, this aspect of her work. Thanks to an international jury chaired by Dr. Frank Cintamani, Nofar Gabrieli was selected in june 2013 to show at Singapore's Fidé Fashion Weeks 2013, as part of the Atelier Chardon Savard prize-winners runway show. A good start for a budding carreer.